Saturday, October 2, 2010

Make a list of at least five (5) ways that you can help people around you.

1. I can be in a better mood and therefore it will project on the people around me.
2. I can keep setting high goals for myself and strive to work hard and achieve them, this will keep my friends and family motivated as well.
3. Not let myself become negative, negativity can be like a diease and by not letting it infect you, you are not passing it to others. One person's bad day can rub off on 10 different people throughout the day, which could than affect 5 or 10 more people each, and the chain keeps growing. Its important to not lets someone elses misery affect you. Staying positive is contagious as well which is great-however it negativity spreads more quickly and therefore you have to try twice as hard to stop it.
4. Set goals for my life that will make a positive impact on the world around me. For example, I would like to write, however my goal is to write for the public good-whether it be for entertainment, education, awareness, etc.
5. Always keep in mind that differences in people are not reasons to shun them away. Acceping new types of people only broadens your life and makes it richer.

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