Friday, September 17, 2010

20 things i enjoy doing

1. Sleeping in
2. Free time
3. reading books that I want to read and have choosen myself
4. learing new things (guitar, drums, cooking, skateboarding, surfing, etc)
5. Going on vacations
6. going out to dinner with friends
7. painting, drawing, sketching
8. loving a new song
9. decorating a room
10. community service
11. washing my car
12. organizing my room
13. going to the beach
14. writing because i want to, not because it is an asignment
15. watching a great movie
16. debating a topic
17. teaching or showing someone else something new and interesting
18. helping someone out (with homework, advice, etc)
19. Getting someone a birthday present, throwing surprise parties, planning events
20. relaxing with family and friends

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